Wednesday, April 29, 2009

problem of evil

Like most, I have struggled with the problem of evil, and why bad things happen. I listened to a podcast of This American Life last week (entitled This I Used to Believe), and they addressed the question in a personal way with no resolution. It saddened me, but I found that it's a difficult issue to resolve. Today, I read a post from Stuff Christians Like (a snarky take at Christian culture). I found this post really interesting. I thought the question the author posed to be introspective and theologically worshipful.

From the mouth of God: "Do I have the right to crack the vessel if breaking it is the fastest way to share with the world what I have poured into it?"

Have a read and leave a comment!


JOY said...

Thanks Howie! Great blog link!

Jeremy Cox said...

That is really a thought provoking question. I'm curious, though, when God has exhibited a tendancy to do things in the "fastest" way.

howie said...

"fastest" is probably not the best word to choose. "most effective" might be more poignant. i just love the question posed from the angle of God's rights. we get so consumed with our rights, and our justice and our freedom that we don't think from God's perspective on it very often.

Jeremy Cox said...

I agree. It is so easy to become one dimensional and have a limited perspective, especially when we are in serious pain.