Monday, February 8, 2010

Poems answered

I stumbled upon a poem I had to write as an assignment for a Biblical Studies class I took a while back. My wife and I had struggled getting pregnant for 5 years and it was at a point that we had about given up. This poem was a prayer for me, for us. After turning in the poem, my professor had me come up in front of class and had the class lay hands on me and pray for my wife and I. It was a sweet moment for me. I hadn't realized how much I needed to write out what I was feeling, and share the sorrow with others. Here is the poem, dated May 2, 2005:


By: Howie Smith

Father, remember us.

We face seclusion in a land of famine.

Our emotions are our isolation,

Our drought the cause of our sorrow.

Hand in hand we trod,

Longing to be carried by the God of hope.

The pain is a monthly affair

Each month more agonizing than the previous

The promise of a river of life

Halted by bitter springs

The bleeding stops our hearts

And the hope is replaced by doubt

The joy of our friends is our inner mourning

We wear black to their celebration.

Not alone in our sorrow

Many have experienced our pain

Others do not even have our longing

Yet they are blessed

What are we to do?

Do we try and fail, only to be disappointed?

Do we stop and take one who is unwanted by others?

The questions are as overwhelming as the disappointment

I know you have not forgotten

You continue to honor us

Your hand is upon us daily

We are your children Abba.

The amazing thing? we got pregnant the next month. with twins.